When you upgrade your copy of Deltek Vision, you may also need to make some changes to your Project Analyzer environment. Here are some scenarios to consider before performing the upgrade:
Are you upgrading from Vision 5.x or Vision 6.x to Vision 7.0 or above?
If so, please read our detailed article about how to configure Project Analyzer for use with Vision 7. We also encourage you to email support@planifi.net prior to the upgrade. This will ensure that we are available to discuss any questions or issues you may encounter.
Is your Vision 7.x database being renamed, or moving to a new server?
If so, you will need to perform the following steps after the Vision upgrade is complete:
1) Re-install the compatibility database that connects the Analyzer and Vision databases together. The compatibility database can't be moved between servers because it contains table links with the server name hard-coded in them.
2) Re-provision the permissions for the Vision, Analyzer, and compatibility databases as described in the Project Analyzer Database Deployment Guide.
3) Use Connection Manager to update the connection details between the Project Analyzer and compatibility database.
4) Re-install the Project Analyzer client on each end user's machine. The new installation must reflect the new location of the Analyzer database.
Again, please email support@planifi.net before performing the upgrade. We will be happy to provide you with the support you need to ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new database or server architecture.